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2020/05至今         华东理工大学      澳门太阳游戏城app    特聘副研究员、副教授/硕导

2017/04-2020/03  不列颠哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)   量子物质研究所    博士后(导师:Prof. Mark J. MacLachlan)

2016/06-2017/03  上海交通大学       化学专业     博士后(导师:车顺爱教授)

2010/09-2015/12  上海交通大学       化学专业      博士 (导师:车顺爱教授)

2006/09-2010/06   西南科技大学   应用化学专业  学士         


  • 仿生光学材料及力学材料

  • 生物液晶分子自组装

  • 智能生物医药检测材料


主要工作从事微纳仿生光学材料及力学材料的自组装合成,围绕新型仿生光学材料、仿生手性液晶材料、生物分子自组装有机-无机复合材料等方面展开研究。共发表SCI论文30篇,其中以第一作者及通讯作者发表于Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.(2篇,影响因子16.8)Adv. Mater.(3篇, 影响因子32), Adv. Opt. Mater.Chem. Mater.Chem. Commun. 等期刊,并撰写2部英文专著章节。论文总他引千余次。目前承担国家自然科学基金青年基金、上海市海外高层次人才项目,上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划。


1.Y. Cao and S. Che. “Chiral Mesoporous Inorganic Materials” in “Chiral Nanomaterials. Preparation, Properties and Applications”. 2017, John Wiley & Sons.

2.Y. Cao and S. Che. “DNA Condensed Phase and DNA-Inorganic Hybrid Mesostructured Materials” in “Advances in Bioinspired and Biomedical Materials Volume 1”. 2017, ACS publications.  


14. Shuqi Wang,† Hao Chen,† Tianyu Zhong, Quanzheng Deng, Shaobo Yang, Yuanyuan Cao,* Yongsheng Li,* and Lu Han* Tetragonal gyroid structure from symmetry manipulation——a brand-new member of gyroid surface family, Chem, 2023, accepted. 

13. Tianyu Zhong, † Qinghua Wang, † Cong Jiang, Ji-na Hao, Mengjia Guan, Bin Dai, Quan Jiang, Yong Zhang*, Yuanyuan Cao*, Yongsheng Li*, Quadruple Functionalized Copper-Polydopamine Nanoparticles for Tumor-Specific Multimodal Enhancing Photodynamic Therapy with Low Skin Phototoxicity. Appl. Mater. Today 2023, 35, 101990

12.  Q. Wang, X. Jia, X. Li, Miao He, J. Hao, M. Guan, Y. Mao*, Y. Cao*, B. Dai and Y. Li *.One-pot Fabrication of Polydopamine-based Nanoplatform for GSH Triggered Trimodal ROS-Amplification Cancer Therapy. Biomater. Sci., 2022, 10(15), 4208-4217

11. Q. Wang, X. Li, J. Mao, X. Qin, S. Yang, J. Hao, M. Guan, Y. Cao* and Y. Li*. Biomimic Binding Affinity Gradients Triggered GSH-Response of Core-shell Nanoparticles for Cascade Chemo/Chemodynamic Therapy. Adv. Healthcare Mater. 2021, 2101634.

10.Y. Cao, S. Yang, Y. Li*, J. Shi*. Cooperative Organizations of Small Molecular Surfactants and Amphiphilic Block Copolymers: Roles of Surfactants in the Formation of Binary Co-Assemblies, Aggregate, 2021, DOI: 10.1002/agt2.49

9.Y. Cao, P. Wang, F. D'Acierno, F, W. Y. Hamad, C. Michal and M. J. MacLachlan*. Tunable Diffraction Gratings from Biosourced Lyotropic Liquid Crystals Crystal, Adv. Mater. 2020, 32, 1907376.

8. Y. Cao, L. Levis, W. Y. Hamad, and M. J. MacLachlan*. Pressure-Responsive Hierarchical Chiral Photonic Aerogel, Adv. Mater. 2019, 311808186.

7. Y. Cao, W. Y. Hamad, and M. J. MacLachlan*. Broadband Circular Polarizing Film Based on Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystals, Adv. Opt. Mater2018, 6, 1800412.

6. Y. Cao, Y. Duan, L. Han*, and S. Che*. Hierarchical Chirality Transfer in The Formation of Chiral Silica Fibres with DNA-Porphyrin Co-Templates, Chem. Commun2017, 53, 5641-5644.

5. Y. Cao, K. Kao, C. Mou, L. Han*, and S. Che*. Oriented Chiral DNA-Silica Film Guided by a Natural Mica Substrate, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed2016, 55, 2037-2041.

4.Y. Cao, S. Che*. Optically Active Chiral DNA-Silica Hybrid Free-Standing Films, Chem. Mater. 2015, 27, 7844-7851.

3.Y. CaoJ. Xie, B. Liu, L. Han*, S. Che*, Synthesis and Characterization of Multi-Helical DNA-Silica Fibers, Chem. Commun2013, 49, 1097-1099.

2. L. Ma, Y. Cao, Y. Duan*, L. Han*, and S. Che*, Silver Films with Hierarchical Chirality,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed2017, 56, 8657 –8662.

1. B. Liu, Y. Cao, Z. Huang, Y. Duan, S. Che*. Silica Biomineralization via the Self-Assembly of Helical Biomolecules. Adv. Mater. 2015, 27, 479–497.

(† Co-first author)