发布时间:2024-07-10   访问次数:10   作者:澳门太阳游戏城app


本专业为工学专业,创建于 2021 年,是为适应国家需求,结合我校材料专业特色成立的最新专业。专业所依托的材料学学科是国家重点(培育)学科、上海市重点学科,是国家“211”工程建设的重点,2003 年建立材料科学与工程一级学科博士点和博士后科研流动站,2017 年“材料科学与工程”入选国家“一流学科”建设名单。专业以电子信息材料研制和应用为特色,学科内容覆盖了半导体材料、光电器件材料、功能与传感材料、封装材料、量子信息材料、材料制备与加工等专业知识,形成了较完善的电子信息材料教育教学体系,构建了既掌握材料基础知识、又通晓电子信息材料及器件的制备、工艺流程、开发以及应用的专业系统知识的培养方案和课程体系。专业以高素质的学术队伍、行业龙头企业和前沿的科研工作确保高质量的教学与人才培养。通过教学与科研互动、产教融合,在课程和实践教学中加强学生的工程能力、创新精神和国际视野的培养,培养电子信息材料及相关学科岗位的国家和经济发展需求的高素质社会英才。华东理工大学“电子信息材料”专业未来将形成基础研究、应用研究和工程开发相结合的办学特色和研究方向。

The Electronic Information Materials major of East China University of Science and Technology is an emerging undergraduate major established to meet the development needs of China's national strategic emerging industries such as integrated circuits, microelectronics, optoelectronics, and microelectronic equipment manufacturing.

Founded in 2021, this major is the latest major established to meet the needs of the country and combine the characteristics of our university's materials major. In 2003, the first-level discipline of materials science and engineering was established as a doctoral program and a postdoctoral research station, and in 2017, materials science and engineering was selected as a national first-class discipline construction. The major is characterized by the development and application of electronic information materials, and the discipline content covers semiconductor materials, optoelectronic device materials, functional and sensing materials, packaging materials, quantum information materials, material preparation and processing and other professional knowledge, forming a relatively complete electronic information materials education and teaching system, and building a training program and curriculum system that not only masters the basic knowledge of materials, but also is familiar with the preparation, process flow, development and application of electronic information materials and devices. The major ensures high-quality teaching and talent training with a high-quality academic team, industry leading enterprises and cutting-edge scientific research work. Through the interaction between teaching and scientific research, and the integration of industry and education, the cultivation of students' engineering ability, innovative spirit and international vision is strengthened in curriculum and practical teaching. The major cultivates high-quality social talents who can continue to learn and meet the needs of national and economic development in electronic information materials and related disciplines. In the future, the major of Electronic Information Materials of East China University of Science and Technology will form a combination of basic research, applied research and engineering development.